September 24, 2011

Reading, Writing and Many Red Ticks

Writing for 6th Books
If your knowledge or work falls into 6th Books you know where I am. But, please don’t send me nonsense or start your message with, ‘Can you tell me how to get published? I am desperate to be in print and make millions.’
Also, it doesn’t bode well if your enquiry email is strewn with typos. We all make mistakes. I often end up in a giggly heap reading back my own work but it is shocking how people don’t bother. This shows lack of care and it makes the red pen twitch.
There is a self-destruct mechanism in many published and would-be authors (not just authors, this happens in many careers and experiences) whereby people don’t really want to get successful in their career/relationships or life in general because they thrive on the process, the martyrdom and particularly the woe is me drama. Self-sabotage is very much the norm for many. Fear of failure goes hand-in-hand with the fear of success. Ha ha, listen to me being all Freudian, can you feel a book coming on…

Thank you for reading x

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