January 09, 2007


According to the BBC 27% of people believe that it is fate that determines whether they will get a smoking related cancer - what???!!! Another for the list!
It’s a cop-out isn’t it? No point in taking responsibility if it’s fate - arrggghh ...

On to nicer things my Daughter, Charlie got married on Saturday. Here’s the lovely feeling in your tummy story:

Charlie and Joel met on 18th September 2004 while she was out with her best friend Leon. Having been in a pretty ghastly relationship previously that left her poorly she had no interest in men or the risk of being hurt again.

That particular night Leon had nagged her to go out. She pointed Joel out to him as she thought he looked like Daniel Bedingfield. Charlie and Joel bumped into each other, literally and had brief chat.

Charlie wouldn't pass on her number so he took her mobile from her hand and typed in his name and number and the instruction to call.

Even though she thought he was cute she had not intended to call him as still nervous. At work on the Monday she read her stars (Mystic Meg) and for Pisces it said "love circles 'J'."

Well, if Meg said it, it must be OK so she sent him a text and they met the next day, the Tuesday. It turned out that Leon and George (Joel's closest friend and Best Man) worked together.

How cool is that? The whole day was lovely and even the rain didn’t matter because it stopped long enough for the pictures.

I think a decent enough amount of time has now passed for people to ‘forget’ their resolutions and get back to normal.

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