March 04, 2007


Wouldn’t it be good to say I have been slow updating because I’m so busy? Yes, it would.

The week before last Andrea came to play. We went for a delicious curry with a lovely lady called Sylvie who is to be in my book sharing her memories of living with Richard to whom she is married to in this life - despite him being disincarnate. Lol, had to get that out in one breath!

You’ll be able to read more when Andrea’s article about them is out in Fate and Fortune.

I have carried out regressions and interviews purely for the book. All these are recorded ready for me to transcribe. Have you any idea how long that takes?

I originally thought I would only put the replies but it doesn’t read fluently unless it is jiggled and then it turns into a novel. So in order to keep it exact, particularly the regressions, I am including my questions as well. However, although time consuming the regressions are fantastic to hear back. Poor Lizzie went through the wars - literally - fighting the French and traveling back to Leeds Castle!

On Wednesday I had my foot x-rayed and saw Mr McCulloch. There are 3 screws holding the newly rearranged broken bits of bone in place - it’s clever stuff. Our man Ron and Mick chatted about screws and threads like they were standing in a hardware store about to erect a flat-pack. They are made of titanium and cost fifty pounds each. Does that make me high maintenance? We'll see if Mick comments ...

I have a length of Dyna-band for exercising my decidedly floppy toe. More ‘Kill Bill’ moments. I have redesigned a soft shoe (using a sharp blade) that I can wear as long as it’s not raining and I can drive but not too far or it swells and aches.

Getting there slowly but surely.

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