January 31, 2008

What is normal?

I have just finished an interview for World is your Oyster. The 1st question was: Tell us about yourself and the evolution of Past Life Tourism. Where did these mind-boggling ideas originate?

This made my brain fizz. I think my thoughts and beliefs are quite normal. It didn’t occur to me that maybe others might think otherwise. I then thought back to times when I have been responsible for the ‘eh?’ response and the picture indicates one of those.

Like any other day in dingly dell apart a Klingon being taken, by me, into the future while being filmed by a TV crew for Discovery Science. What’s weird about that?

What is weird is the feeling that is taking me over in conjunction with the Psychic Salon book. I remember it from before with Past Life Tourism. For a few months my thoughts were all over the place. I had notes, research and ideas on post-its in reality and metaphorically. Also scrawlings from middle of the night. Moments when although you know you’ll definitely remember something so brilliant in the morning it is nowhere to be found in brain upon awakening - as if they didn’t exist and were never really thought. A coded message to oneself is the only way to keep the brilliant ideas safe.

Then all we hope is that code is decipherable.

The feeling is almost tangible. It is a rumbling that is about to hit and at that moment I know I will write, write and write. All the bits and pieces will come together as if driven by their own momentum, which I suppose they are. All I have to do is keep them in some kind of order.

Time to go ... can you hear it?

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