June 26, 2008

Two little boys

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water the balls of life get thrown up in the air and the chaotic mayhem starts again.
On Sunday Charlie was busy becoming a Godmother to Leon (her bridesmaid) and Jenny’s son, Connor. She didn’t expect her own new baby to start making ‘it’s time to be born now’ noises especially as the due date was not until the 10th July so of course nothing and no-one was ready – not even a bag packed. However, delicious new Mini-Vinnie arrived on Monday afternoon. He is called Riley and although he was born by c-section on Monday they were home on Tuesday.

I had the privilege of being the first to dunk Riley in the bath today. He didn’t think much of it, as he prefers to snuggle and snooze when he isn’t feeding.

I learnt a valuable lesson today in that when a small child, i.e Vinnie is playing with my phone I must pay attention in case he calls the emergency services!

The lizards are still alive despite being in my care and my ineptitude at allowing one to escape and barricade himself behind the door. I’ve got the hang of the locust catching by sweeping them up in a small fishing net and I can pick up the hideous little worms with giant tweezers. Locusts are still managing to escape: there was one in the bathroom only yesterday.

Mrs Dragon appears to be nesting so let’s hope she can hold on until Paul returns. They are only so many births one can cope with in a week.

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